Saturday, 19 May 2012

The origins of Connor Kenway (Ratonhnhaké:ton)

As with both Altaïr and Ezio, the meaning of Connor's name connects to his character:
"Connor" is a Gaelic name meaning "lover of hounds."
"Kenway" is an Old English name meaning "brave royal fighter."
"Ratonhnhaké:ton" (pronounced Ra-doon-ha-kay-doon) means "his spirit lives" or "life scratcher" in Mohawk.

Unlike Altair and Ezio whose name's translate to eagle and their techniques are closely associated with eagles,even naming their special gift as eagle sense.
Contrary to several known Assassins (including Aquilus, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and Nikolai Orelov) possessing connections to eagles,(Amunet is closely related to an asp) Connor is more closely likened to a wolf.

"On this land, I am torn. Part of me wants to fight, and repel all outsiders. The other part of me is the outsider."-Connor

"He strongly believed in defending both his Native American heritage and country from European involvement, who he considered to be "outsiders." However, he also recognized the fact that, due to his parentage, he was a part of the problem he sought to solve"

This above quote by Connor is open to interpretation and the following details my version of it...

The quote can also be looked at from a different point of view.This is more than just repelling the outsiders from his homeland.Connor is an assassin,his feud is with the Templar's.
Perhaps his British father was a Templar or a descendant of the templars and his mother was neutral.That would make him part templar ,that is why he is not just an outsider to his own homeland but also the greatest enemy to his allies and himself.

The reason i believe that Connor's father is a templar or a descendant of one is because connor's inherent style of fighting and free running is like that of a wolf unlike the previous assassins...His movements resembled that of a predator, always staying low to the ground and moving under enemy attacks(just remember the word "prowler")

I believe that Connor's father was a decendant of Il Lupo(Assassins creed DLC character called the *prowler*), a templar taught in the ways of the assassin...he used the switchblade which is analogical to the fangs of a wolf
The grey of Il Lupo's cloak evokes a wolf's coat, and the "fang-like" blades resemble a wolf's fangs, concealed right before the strike.
Switchblade description by Fiora: A set of "fang-like blades" that were "clumsy but efficient," as Fiora once described.

this is why i believe that Connor is a descendant of the templar Il Lupo...
which means that Desmond can also access the memories of the Il Lupo...

Unlike Ezio and Altair who resembled desmond and had cuts on their lips there is no such scar on Connor...
he resembles Aquiliius who we can also associate to wolves
this is because Rome was founded by Romulus who was raised by wolves so a true roman would have connections to a wolf(Aquiliius was a Roman assassin.)

In the trailer, we see an eagle flying over the Mohawak valley
then the screen shifts to  wolves tearing a corpse apart...
This perhaps shows the transition of the game....from eagle to wolf.

Of course all that i have speculated may be false for "nothing is true"
and feel free to criticize as "everything is permitted"